February 2021 Newsletter
We have learned that Zambia has received the best rains in 15 years. Perhaps, the droughts of the recent few years can become just a distant bad dream!!!
While we were packing to return to Africa!

We had a few last minute stops to make. What a wonderful reception by these ladies. You are in our hearts as we begin another chapter in Zambia.
Soccer Tournaments
We have been contemplating an increase in our Youth Sports ministry in Zambia. In 2019 we hosted an 8-man youth soccer tournament that saw 35 new converts. So, in 2021 we hope to repeat that tournament and add to it. Wondering how to keep this idea fresh and exciting for the players here in Livingstone – imagine our amazement at the donation of over 4000 “BRAND NEW and HIGH QUALITY” sports jerseys. We have collected them and are now awaiting funding to ship them to Zambia. You can’t imagine how much this will inspire these kids.
For 16 months we anguished over the prospect of being separated form our work in Zambia. Prior to our departure in December 2019 we considered a new plan – to leave without ceasing any of the ongoing ministry operations. We gambled that our staff could handle the job. Surely, they could maintain what they had been trained to do for the next 3 months…couldn’t they???
3 months became 16 months…What do you think?
Kabondo Church Re-construction
In February, our staff supervised the re-construction of the Kabondo Church.
ANSWERED PRAYER! Thanks Mineral Springs Baptist Church…and Dennis Yeatts!!!
Gospelink Training Session
John Prater brought his Gospelink team to Livingstone for 3 days of discipleship training. Our whole staff hosted the team and the visiting students – utilizing our facilities, the kitchen, “Frances”, the bus and Bertha’s great “American Style” cooking skills. The event with nearly 30 people went off without a hitch.
Mukalahani is a nearby village we have been ministering to for a couple of years. During our absence, Brighton and George began a weekly Bible study – aimed at men. A few men came to the first meeting followed by nearly the entire village (men, women and children) by the 3rd visit. They are so hungry for the Word and have no other opportunity to be taught. It is becoming a special ministry.
A certain woman (Mary Pumulo) – from the Mukalahani Bible Study – was in town about the same a stray buffalo had wandered into town. As she was walking across a bridge the buffalo confronted her and eventually gored her on her thigh and tossed her over his head. The animal was later “put down”. Our staff arranged a care package and delivered it to Mary – who is now recovering. Your continued contributions enabled our staff to make this gesture.
We keep getting surprised. Our staff decided to tidy up a bit – without prompting from us…
They do such a good job!
In the last 16 months we have lost many cherished loved ones in Zambia – one to Covid-19, and others to natural causes. Ms. Mukonde was a beloved friend. She was vital to the nursing student ministry and had become a very close friend. We will miss these precious friends.