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This month:
Masizi finally gets a well (borehole)!
Thank You, Scott and Amanda!
Three (3) soccer tournaments yield many salvations!
IWU nursing students experience much culture!
The CGWU Church of Life gets a temporary home!
Women’s conference in Kabuyu!
Bible Study in Mukuni maturing!
Good News Club teen leaders staying active!
Lessons under a big tree while the well was drilled.
Preparing to show the Jesus Film at night.
Jesus Film producing – again!
CGWU Sports team setting up for a tournament.
Students sharing the Gospel at a girl’s soccer tournament.
Girls thrilled to be considered in a male dominant society – and hearing the Gospel.
Competition was fierce.
They are fierce at all ages…
Getting the Gospel between games.
Getting the Gospel after the tournament is over.
Madalas (mature men) are soccer fans as well – and still love to play…and compete…and they got to hear the Gospel.
CGWU Soccer Tournaments compete with PA system, announcer, Red Cross, Referees, medals, and trophies.
Dr. Pierce comes every year to teach a semester of History to the IWU students in 1 week’s time.
Matt, the only male IWU student this year an being obedient subject.
Tayler leading as the Godly influencer that she was gifted to be.
CGWU Church of Life Sunday Service under the big top located at our home base while waiting for the new church building.
Kabuyu women’s conference.
They came in numbers.
Kids outside allowing the adult women to get the full teaching.
The Mukuni Bible Study had to relocate to a new place…but continues to mature and grow.
They now welcome women to join the men.
Leader of the Mukuni Bible Study getting a nice tee shirt.
Treating the Good News teen leaders to a nice meal.