Treated like kings on a visit to a family kitchen.
It is great to see our home church sending a team to Zambia
Routine moments at home that at first seem so unimportant…become cherished memories in Africa.
A scene to remember on one of those sleepless nights in Africa.
Just sitting next to a sunrise back home is heart-warming.
A rare moment building relationships with grandkids…
God continues to amaze us…allowing loved ones to take their final flights home while we are still in USA…eliminating the need to rush back for “life” events…or dreading that we can’t always just jump right back home for a funeral.
CGWU is pretty busy in Zambia!
Church of Life growing.
One of the church member’s house melting in the rain.
Another Church day.
Breakfast with men at the pastor’s house
Dablet gets a new phone to better communicate with us from ZIMKO
Another Pastor’s breakfast.
Next month Ken & Karen will return to Zambia and the Good News Club will re-open. The GNC has been closed for the rainy season since November, 2022.