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This month:
2 mission teams visited us in August:
North Conway Baptist Church continued from July
Indiana Wesleyan University School of Nursing – Study Abroad
Other notables:
Tayler Meyers’ parents and Wade & Erika Kennard – CGWU board member – visited.
Intern Scott Resler said “goodbye” for a season??
North Conway Baptist Church in Kabuyu – Women’s Conference
Full House
Bonding time
Veteran Rocket Stove builders!
Digging for a toilet
Trying out a new screen.
New screen works pretty good.
Eating on the grounds.
More teaching
We’re gonna miss you!
Come back soon!
Maloni Rock Quarry ladies get new wheelbarrows and a word from the Bible.
They remembered the team fondly.
New wheelbarrows were surely needed.
They got 2 more new ones.
Readily accepting the Good News.
Soaking in the teaching.
Coming to the mission field can break your heart.
Blessing the widows is a blessing beyond imagination.
One of the most memorable moments on this mission field – blessing these amazing elderly Christian Zambians. They are wealthy beyond imagination as they anxiously await the day they meet our maker…and they are ready!
104 years old.
84 years old.
90 years old.
96 years old.
So appreciative of the prayers…Then, she prayed for us.
She said she joyously waits to meet the Lord!
Once a very wealthy woman…she lost everything due to a cattle disease.
…we gave her some blankets..
It was a most appreciated gift during the winter.
5 generations in the same family village.
Her eyes lit up when she was awakened from her sleep to be prayed for.
On Culture Night the team got a good taste of Zambian culture.
Derrick prepared a great traditional feast.
Smells so good.
…and tastes great too!
Brighton tells a tall Zambian tale.
Learning how to pound Maize.
…and Harry trying his hand at pounding a drum.
NCBC has become a regular here in Zambia.
Crazy wildlife!
Alone with her thoughts.
Getting ready to see the Jesus Film movie.
Bravely tasting the Mupani Caterpillar.
Down the hatch!
Bribery and a nice certificate paved the way to success.
Another one bites the dust!
And his certificate.
Mom did it too.
Teacher not to be outdone!
Easy peasy.
Everyone managed to earn a certificate.
Sometimes the best missionaries are those who naturally relate.
Relating and bonding.
Youth conference
Board member, Wade Kennard and his wife, Erika Vitising.
Wade, Paster George and Ken at Kabondo.
The whole Kabondo crowd.
Wade and Erika getting the Zambia welcome.
Intern update.
Tayler and the guys.
Scott and Brighton.
Taylers’ family at the falls.
Taylers’ mom & dad in a nice place.
Meyers’ family together on a game drive.
Intern work is very hard.
Pals for life. Brighton and Intern Scott Resler.
Don (Captain Jack – of all trades) page doing his thang!
Sad to see this…BUT, Genesis 50:20
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…
Removing the old church.
Piece by piece.
All that remains is a slab.
Moving to a new home.
Setting up at the new base.
Ken & Karen celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary.
We were gifted a chance to vacation at a very nice Safari Camp in Botswana. Sometimes, God really surprises!
Watering hole right in front of the camp.
I could do this all day.
Evening place setting for anniversary meal.
What a view! No, I would not trade this seat for a sideline seat on the 50 yard line in Dallas!