APRIL 2023 Newsletter
The fun begins!
April was the beginning of a very busy time at CGWU
Scott Resler got his first full month under his INTERN belt…and his first Bush Trip.
Intern Tayler Meyers celebrated her birthday.
Kelly Furlong came for a month and fixed all of our vehicles.
Terry and Jennifer Egan visited for a week of “getting to know CGWU”.
The IWU nurses enjoyed their last week finishing a Semester Abroad.
The Good News Kids got a special treat from the USA.
The Church of Life celebrated its first EASTER.
The people of Katcheyakantu and Mukalahani are getting churches.
The Falls View Baptist Church in Livingstone is getting a facelift.
The church of Chipata is completed.
The membership of Peteoke Baptist Church gets funding for a new building.
Construction on the new CGWU Base House began in earnest.
The President of Zambia came to town.
Come Go With Us!
April was quite busy. May does not look any slower. There are many projects and ministries evolving under CGWU. Your continued prayers and financial support are both needed and appreciated. We are finding our staff of 12 coupled with 2 full-time interns and a handful of other short-time interns are struggling to keep it all functioning well.\
Come Go With US as a mission team or an intern or a long-term missionary. I promise you will find your plate full and oh, so satisfying. If you can’t come physically…please pray for others to heed the inner calling to serve in Zambia. OR, fund a church building, a bore-hole (well), a new Bus or a vehicle, an appreciation meal for the staff, a Bible, or some rice for the children. Widows need blankets for the June/July wintertime. Pastors need seeds to plant in September…and we still need bicycles for those pastors who cover great distances to share with their congregations. You can still sponsor a Bush Trip for this year and next year. There are MANY places a few $100 bills can be effective. Plan a visit as a team this year or next year. We can use your help. There are many opportunities for construction teams, medical teams, and evangelism teams…and with the new base house, there is ample room to provide a place to rest at night.
Thanks again for your prayerfull support. We will be praying for you during our Tuesday morning staff devotional meeting. Please pray for us as well. It is at 2am your time every Tuesday.
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Ken & Karen Buckner