CGWU Logo Come Go With Us

Renovation Church

For a second year in a row, Renovation Church (home church for intern, Tayler Meyers) visited CGWU to assist in our ministry efforts in Mukalanahi village, Ebenezer Children’s Home, and Kasiya Village.  A clear favorite for RC is the growth and plight of the CGWU church plant, The Church of Life under the leadership of Pastor Gift Musantu.

Church of Life celebrates year #2

Getting this church started and growing has been a rocky road…but the church IS growing…and the people are gaining much knowledge.  Renovation Church helped celebrate this anniversary as they did in 2023 for the 1st anniversary.  The contribution of a message, prayer, and sharing in song and music was well received at C.O.L.  Once again,  Pastor Kyle encouraged the church as a body and Pastor Gift as a man called to help bring this church into fruition.  A great time was had by all as they worshiped, sang, learned from the preaching and then took advantage of a great feast following the message.  

CONGRATULATIONS on your second year…to the fellowship of The Church Of Life!

Intern, Gary Kimpel, made an impact!

Gary Kimpel visited with us for about 3 weeks – primarily to help us scout the new ministry region in Serenje…but also helped us put on a “Couples Conference” in Safari (a new church plant in the ZIMKO region).  This conference was “powerful”.  Many couples took heart in seriously listening to the teachings and eagerly began working to apply the new principles – as they were being taught.  We camped for 3 days and worked with a “church full” of married couples and soon-to-be spouses.  We even shared with some older widows.

SERENJE Trip #2 in 2024

We have been in much prayer regarding taking on Serenje as a ministry project.  It is 2 day’s travel from Livingstone and there are more than 100 churches in that association looking for ministry support from some organization – like ours.  We took our second sponsored trip in July – traveling with Michael Mumanga and Intern, Gary Kimpel.  Our welcome was warm and inviting.  We held a 3 day pastors conference that was attended by over 100 pastors and church leaders.  We were overwhelmingly welcomed and we received an official invitation to take on the Serenje Baptist churches as our ministry project.  We accepted.  Now, for the next step:

1) Annual conference with their parent Zambian organization to officially invite CGWU to work with these churches in late September – we are not required to attend.

2) Attend an association-wide “Welcome to Serenje” conference in mid October.

3) Begin gathering supplies and resources to pour into the Serenje Baptist churches – along with upcoming Pastor training, discipleship training, and other ministry-related aid that we can provide… also to include bringing teams to assist us in the new endeavor.

We can only assume – at this point – that there will be churches and groups among our ministry support network whom God will call to

Come Go With Us to Serenje in 2025

SPOTLIGHT: Michael Mumanga

Mike came to us about 7 years ago as a computer repair man.  He workmanship and his professionalism were immediately noticed.  The more we used him, the more we found that he had skills in many other areas.  Today he is our #1 senior management assistant – handling many of the logistics and management tasks that have kept me so busy in the past.  Through his leadership and his ability to learn and to be quick on his feet, he has risen to a guy I can depend on when I am out of the country…and I can rest easy knowing the ministry is in safe hands and a professional is at the helm. 



Ken & Karen